A planning strategy to move from vision to results is OGSM. This OGSM document is a business’s roadmap for operational excellence. The OGSM process is that it cascades, through a number of levels, from the most senior person in the organization to the most junior person meaning everybody in the organization understands the direction they are heading and what their contribution is to getting there. OGSM is a simple, clear, easy to understand and 1-page document, the organization can feel confident about successful communication of the business vision within the organization at all levels and externally to its customers

The OGSM process is a joined-up strategy taking into account all aspects of business delivery and function The OGSM document should be clear, simple and communicated widely within the business

                       Culture & CJR  ,  Targets  ,  KPIs  ,  Appraisal

An Objective is a constant and meaningful reminder to the organization about what success looks like in the future. It is a customized, business-speci...

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Goals ideally describe the result that needs to be achieved, rather than the steps that will be taken. The success of an organization occurs when it a...

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Working plan/game plan/ blueprint/strategic planning - visualizes the organization's detailed plan or program of action which is achieved with the eff...

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Measures – quantitative figures used to track progress on each strategy. Numerical statement of how the company will benchmark progress towards impl...

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Culture: Focus on the working culture will enable us to have more impact on the Market and results. Individuals are the pillars/strengths of an organization; it all depends on their working techniques and tactics that give us a positive reflection on the market which will yield better results. To succeed as a company the team as a whole have to move in the same direction.

Targets: Individual goals and targets should move in the direction of the company to achieve the target. 

KPIs Employees: 

Employee Satisfaction Index, This is KPI lets you gauge how happy or unhappy your employees are about company processes and policies.

Employee Productivity Rate, This is one of the most common key performance indicators for employees. It determines workforce efficiency by measuring the total input vs the total output of your employees.

Attrition Rate, This indicator measures how many employees leave a company against the average number of employees during a specific period.

Appraisal: All organizations have a performance appraisal system to evaluate their employee performance. An effective performance appraisal system has standard and top-rated appraisal forms, rules, and appraisal procedures along with well-defined performance criteria and standards.

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